How to Read this Blog

When I started this blog, I could not figure out, within the given parameters, how to get it to read logically. So it ended up with the freshest post on the top of the page with the top of the post being the beginning of the post. When you get to the end of the post, you will find the beginning of the previous post. A bit awkward, but is what it is. (right David?)

Also, feel free to leave comments. I engaged the annoying "real person verification thingy" because some dork put an add to his product on my blog and disguised it as a comment. He probably works on wall street.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Got 2 more hours in the shop.

Well, I don't imagine this post will win any awards for excitement, but I made up my mind to document the whole build. Soooo.....The seats are out.
The carpet is not too bad for being in there for 10 years. I haven't yet checked to see if I can even buy new molded carpets for this generation dodge. If someone has a source, feel free to post a comment.
It's my guess that this carpet and padding has been wet since the day after I put it in. The truck has been in the shop for, what, a month now and it is still wet from where my vents leak. This is some thick pad I put in on the last build for heat and sound. I did not put it up the firewall enough. Boy, it got hot in here in the summer.
The cab is pretty much picked clean now. I just need to disconnect the master cylinder and do something with a couple of fuel lines in the back corner and the yellow cab is ready to lift off.
Today was a good two hours. I found $3.08 in change between the floor and the ash tray.

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